Monday, February 8, 2021

Enovachem Creates SUIK in Response to

Chris Manfuso is the national director of sales for Enovachem Pharmaceuticals in Torrance, California. Here, Chris Manfuso devises strategies for business development, generating revenue, and marketing, among other activities.

Enovachem Pharmaceuticals partnered with the CDC’s One & Only Campaign and creating the Single Use Injection Kits (SUIK). In 2016, the pharmaceutical company became a member of the CDC’s One & Only Campaign, which is a campaign that promotes safe injection practices in all healthcare settings.

The SUIK were been designed to be used once per patient. Moreover, healthcare providers can track the injection's ingredients in case a patient suffers from adverse reactions or the product’s manufacturers issue a recall. The product also allows for smart communication between healthcare providers and staff members as it relates to the selection of proper injection kits.

The product includes a patented color-coded system that distinguishes between solutions that are corticosteroids and anesthetics. The company has 31 types of SUIK kits, which can be found at

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